Are you an HTML templates developer? Do you sell your own products? Get closer to your clients. Import any valid HTML template into Novi Builder with 3 clicks only and multiply your earnings today.
Key Features of Novi
- Import any valid HTML template
- Create as many pages as you need
- Multilanguage support
- Password Authorization
- Russian, German and French languages included
- Project Export/Import
- Start editing your text with a single click
- Save your own presets for future use
- Edit the source code of your project
- Manage fonts
- Media Library
- Inspect your elements in code
- Use Style Manager in HTML Code Editor
- Copy paste & replace any design elements
- Preview on different resolutions
- Social Plugins
- Mailform Plugin
- Subscribe form Plugins
- Swiper Slider Plugin
- Icon Manager
- Icon Plugin
- Parallax Plugin
- Google Map Plugin
- Owl Carousel Plugin
- Lightgallery Plugin
System Requirements
To ensure comfortable work with Novi Builder, your system should meet the following requirements:
- Browser: Chrome 50+ or Safari 10+
- 4GB RAM or more
- Display with minimal resolution of 1024×768
- CPU with minimal clock rate of 1GHz
- Keyboard and mouse
You can install Novi Builder on a local or remote server. See the documentation for details.
Web Server Requirements
To ensure the correct work of Novi Builder, your server should meet the following requirements:
- Apache 2.2+
- PHP 5.4+
Apache Settings
- Turn off ModSecurity module or other security module
- Turn on mod_rewrite module
PHP Settings
- php_memory_limit = 64M
- upload_max_filesize = 64M
- post_max_size = 64M
- max_input_time = 60
- php_max_input_vars = 1000
- max_execution_time = 30
- short_open_tag = 1
- error_reporting = E_ALL ^ E_WARNING
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